Get Involved

There are many ways to support our students and our mission.

Georgia taxpayers: Make a donation and get a tax credit

Make a donation and get it back from the state of GA! A bill recently passed in Georgia which allows taxpayers to redirect a portion of their tax dollars to support private education. As a single person you can donate up to $1,000, and as a couple you can donate up to $2,500. You designate a school or even a child to receive this money. Then you get a dollar for dollar tax credit back from the state of GA when you file your taxes. If you donate to the school you even get a federal tax deduction as well. You could SAVE money on your taxes and help Alexsander Academy set up scholarships to help children attend our school. For more information please contact Stefanie Smith, our Executive Director, or visit Let them know you are working with Alexsander Academy!

Make a tax-deductible donation

You can donate at our PayPal link.

Amazon Smile shopping program


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Alexsander Academy.

Box Tops for Education

Please save these labels from many food and other grocery items. We get paid for every label we send in. For a list of box tops for education items, please go to There is a huge list of products you are likely to already be using such as Cheerios, Hefty, Ziplock, and Yoplait yogurt.

Publix Shopping Cards

Publix Partners is turning groceries into education.

Over the years, Publix Partners has donated more than $36 million to over 4,600 schools and organizations.

And participating is easy. Simply sign up for a account, click Publix Partners, and select a school. Then enter your phone number every time you check out. We'll give back to the school of your choice.

Add Alexsander Academy to your Publix account to donate each time you shop! Check out our fundraising progress with the program here.


Ask about volunteer opportunities! Email us at